Hackers are very clever individuals and will go through extreme measures to hack into someone’s account. Even if you believe your account is safe, it is worth following these extra steps to maintain your security:

  1. Choose a Strong Password
    Anyone can have access to your email address, so if you have a simple password, it won’t be difficult for someone to discover what it is. Refrain from using personal information that anyone can find out, such as your birthday, your mom’s name, etc. On the other spectrum, your password cannot be something too impersonal, such as password, 12345, login, qwerty, etc.
  2. Two-factor authentication
    Instagram created this security feature to provide double protection for your account. When you enable “Two-factor Authentication,” anyone trying to access your account from a different account will be asked to provide a security code sent to your phone. Even hackers use two-factor authentication so that if you try to log back into your account, the security code would be sent to their phone.

    To set up two-factor authentication, go to your Instagram settings and scroll down. Click “Two-factor Authentication” and tap the button at the top to turn it on. Provide your phone number and then the security code. If you ever change your mind, you can easily turn this feature off.
  3. Block Suspicious Users
    You might have several followers who are strangers to you, but it’s important to notice any suspicious behavior from unknown users. This behavior includes writing irrelevant comments on your posts, lurking on your profile without showing activity on his/her own page, and sending messages containing outside links.
  4. Keep Your Information Private
    Even if your account is public, you can restrict personal information you share with your followers. For example, don’t post about all your family members and their birthdays. Also, turn off the location feature whenever possible. Every detail of your personal life does not need to be shared on social media. This makes it even easier for hackers to gain insight about your life and use that information to steal your identity.
  5. Do Not Share Your Password
    Even email addresses can have a link to a scam website offering some kind of service for your account. If you receive emails that require you to send your personal information from Instagram, this can be a phishing scheme. Avoid clicking on any links the email might provide. Additionally, do not share your password with anyone. If someone discovers your password, change it right away.